Terms and Conditions

Tabash traditional hotel

Accommodation with buffet breakfast
Room check-in time 14 – room check-out time 12
The cost of accommodation for a child under 3 years old is free of charge, 3 to 5 years old without sleeping mat is half price, and 5 years old and above is full price.
Extra bed includes sleeping floor and has a separate cost.
The complex has a restaurant and coffee shop (pantry) (fee is separate).
It is possible to accept an authentic promissory note with a prominent seal.
In order to be admitted to Tabash traditional residence, it is necessary to have the original national card and birth certificate for Iranian guests and passport for foreign guests.
Tabash Traditional Residence is not responsible for parking.
It is worth mentioning that in case of cancellation after paying the accommodation fee, refund will be made according to the reservation rules.
According to the occupancy percentage of the traditional residence and special conditions, we are not allowed to determine the type of bed or its floor.
In case of any change or price increase in the price list of the traditional accommodation, the guest or the agency must pay the difference in the amount to the traditional accommodation.
In order to re-book the room, the group does not have any obligation to the guest. In case of re-booking and full payment, the room will be re-booked in coordination with the group.
In case of request for reception (fruit, sweets, flowers) inside the room, you can inform the reservation unit 24 hours before entering.
Pets are not allowed in the hotel.
Due to the historical nature of the complex and the fact that wood is used in most of the complex, smoking (cigarettes, hookah, etc.) is prohibited in the room.
It is forbidden to bring and consume alcoholic beverages in the entire residence.
The residence is not responsible for valuables and other belongings of the guest.
Breakfast time is only from 8:30 to 10:00 am.